
13 November 2009

Tugas B. Inggris Bisnis "Purchase Order"

Garuda Indonesia Hospital
Jl. Wahid Hasyim no 14 A. Central Jakarta
phone (021) 2305533 fax (021)23055444

Purchase Order

PO#: Date:
01265 14 November 2009
Supplier: Vendor: WW-B-208
Guna Abdi Wisesa Due Date:
Jl. Johar No. 1 A Menteng 21 November 2009

Ship To:
Dept. Pharmacy Garuda Indonesia Hospital
Jl. Wahid Hasyim no 14 A. Central Jakarta

Product IDDescriptionQuantityPrice
#456Ai9 Flexor DS 5 box @ 100 450000
#GdS19d Tanapress 50 mg 5 box @ 25 750000
#BFF25t Tensivask 5 mg 10 box @ 100 1250000

Discount (10%) 245000
Ppn(10%) 220500
Total 2425500

Type Shipping: COD

Signature Approval: Feni Arista Daniati Date: 14 November 2009

06 November 2009

Belajar Cinditional Sentences

Conditional Sentence

Berikut ini saya akan coba sedikit membahas tentang conditional sentences, conditional sentence terbagi dalam 3 tipe, berikut 3 tipe yang saya akan bahas :

Type I : True in the present/ future time

Form : If + S + Verb 1 + O , S + will/shall + Verb 1

Type II : Untrue in the present/ future time

Form : If + Verb 2 + O , S + Would have + Verb 3

Type III : Untrue in the past time

Form : If + S + Had + Verb 3 , S + Would Have + Verb 3

Example :
1.If I find your book, I (give)__________ it to you.
- will give -
2.If Heru had been more careful, he (not get)______ accident.
- wolud not get -
3.If David were here, he (help)__________ me with this homework.
- would help -
4.If The Police get here in time, the robbers (capture)________in notime.
- will be captured -
5.If they (change)_________ their mind, tell them to call me.
-sholud ever change -
6.Mt father would settle this problem for me if he(here)_________.
-were here -
7.If you study hard, you (get)______ smart then me.
- will get -
8.If you ate your meal, I (give)_______ you some ice cream.
- would give -
9.If you (sleep)______ early, you wouldn't get sleepy right now.
- slept -
10.If you (save)______ your money, you won't get trouble for your financial.
- saved -

30 Oktober 2009

translate of letter inquiry

RS. Garuda Indonesia
Jl. Wahid Hasyim no 14 A.
Jakarta Pusat

Jakarta, 30 Oct 2009

Customer Relation
PT. Medical Tools

Saya adalah manager humas pada Rumah sakit Garuda Indonesia, membutuhkan peralatan medis dan perlengkapan poli gigi untuk digunakan dalam melayani pasien.

Kami berencana menggunakan produk-produk terbaru Anda sebagai bagian dari pelayanan kami terutama untuk poli spesialis dan poli gigi kami.

Kami telah melihat materi promosi produk-produk Anda dan tertarik untuk menggunakannya. Kami dengan senang hati jika anda mengirimkan katalog produk Anda beserta daftar harganya. Kami membutuhkan informasi secara detil mengenai produk-produk Anda mungkin beserta contoh sebelum kami memutuskan menggunakannya atau tidak.

Saya sangat senang untuk membicarakan lebih lanjut mengenai produk-produk ini. Anda bisa menghubungi saya pada (021) 2305544 ext 205 atau menemui saya pada jam kerja.

Hormat saya,

Feni Arista Daniati D
Manager Humas

Tugas B. Inggris Bisnis "Letter of Inquiry"

Garuda Indonesia Hospital
Jl. Wahid Hasyim no 14 A.
Central Jakarta

Jakarta, October 30th 2009

Customer Relation
PT. Medical Tools

I am a relationship manager at Garuda Indonesia Hospital, looking for medical equipments and dental tools for servicing our patients.

We are considering using your new release products as part of our services especially for our specialist and dentist.

We have read your promotional material and interesting using your product. We would be glad if you want to send us your catalog and price list. We need, however, more detail and information about the specification of your products and maybe samples before we can decide whether or not to use your product.

I would be happy to talk to you further about your product. You can call me at (021)2305544 ext 205 or visit us at office hours.


Feni Arista Daniati D
Relationship Manager

24 Oktober 2009

Letter of inquiry

Letter of Inquiry

Dear LOI Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in the John Gogian Family Foundation. We are committed to providing a positive and lasting impact in the lives of abused and neglected youth and the developmentally disabled, by enabling a safe and stable environment in which they can live and grow.

The Foundation's grant process and deadlines are outlined in detail in the Grant Guidelines and How To Apply sections on this website.

The Foundation utilizes a 2-step application process. The first step in applying is to fill in the following Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and Project Budget (PDF).

To be eligible your organization must:

Possess an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status verification letter with IRS indication that you are not a private foundation.

Be physically located in Los Angeles County and provide services to adults and/or children within Los Angeles County.

Not have more than six months of your annual operating budget in cash, savings, investments, or an unrestricted endowment.

Be non-sectarian.

If you meet the above criteria and your project is within our guidelines, please submit the LOI form and Project Budget via U.S. Mail or commercial carrier. They must be received in the Foundation's office by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Faxed, e-mailed, or hand delivered copies will not be accepted. Organizations will be notified of the outcome of their LOI within 45 days of submission.

Lindsey Stammerjohn
Executive Director
John Gogian Family Foundation
3305 Fujita Street
Torrance, CA 90505